^z 8th December 2024 at 7:52am
Help others (and self) find and use the Best, when most needed, in a complex and noisy world:
- Data (physical and conceptual) need structure or search-tools to be discoverable
- Patterns (entities and relations) need pruning to trim distractions and make better models
- Goals (tactical and strategic) need priorities for ranking and comparison
... so take time to add Bottom Line Up Front ("BLUF"), roadmaps, indices, categories, links, ... — and make mountains of stuff into memorable, applicable knowledge.
(cf Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind (2005-06-03), Do Less (2007-08-24), Voluntary Simplicity (2008-12-24), Mantra - Do Less, Better (2016-12-14), Mantra - Say Less, Better (2018-08-09), ...) - ^z - 2020-01-24